New - Carteras Sabadell
A wide range of managed portfolios for different risk profiles
Cartera Sabadell is a discretionary portfolio management service of Collective Investment Institutions (CIIs) provided by Banco de Sabadell, S.A. It is managed with a global approach, investing in CIIs of the Amundi Group and other international managers, with positions in all kinds of financial assets and geographical areas. There are three types of portfolios: Sabadell Portfolio, Sabadell Plus Portfolio and Sabadell Private Portfolio. For each of these types, up to five strategies with different levels of risk are proposed.
Banco de Sabadell, S.A. has been offering discretionary Fund portfolio management since 2005.
Amundi has made responsible investment one of its founding pillars. Responsible investment is one of its core values and an essential component of its asset management approach. It has also been a founding member of PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) since its creation in 2006. The new Sabadell Portfolios promote environmental and social characteristics (Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088), as they take into account not only economic and financial aspects but also the ESG dimension in the selection of funds.
From as little as 500 euros you can invest in a diversified portfolio of Funds and you can make regular contributions starting from 50 euros, which facilitates the progressive building of financial wealth.