New Fund- Sabadell 12M Garantizado Marzo
Fund with daily guarantee
By investing in Sabadell 12M Garantizado Marzo you are guaranteed 100% of the initial investment at any time until the maturity of the guarantee, which is set for 27 February 2026*.
In addition, the Fund aims to achieve an expected non-guaranteed return comparable to that of the €STR index on a capitalised basis, net of the Fund's expenses.

The €STR (Euro Short-Term Rate) is the new euro area interbank rate that reflects the cost of funding for euro area banks to borrow funds in overnight deposit transactions at market conditions. A return comparable to the capitalised €STR means that the initial capital invested in the Fund is intended to generate returns similar to the performance of the €STR index. These will be added to the invested assets to generate further returns until the maturity of the Fund on 27 February 2026.
Sabadell 12M Garantizado Marzo is a Fund with daily liquidity and guarantee. If you need to, you can redeem or transfer your units at any time and without any redemption fee.
*Amundi guarantees to the Fund that between 3 February 2025 and 31 March 2025 inclusive ("Reference Period") each net asset value will be at least equal to the previous net asset value. Amundi also guarantees to the Fund that each net asset value, established daily between 1 April 2025 and 27 February 2026 inclusive, will be at least equal to the highest net asset value achieved during the Reference Period.
Risks of the Fund

Additional risks: the liquidity risk associated with reverse repurchase agreements (repos) or total return swap (TRS) contracts could increase the variance of the product's performance.
In addition to the risks included in the risk indicator, other risks may affect the Fund's performance. Please refer to the prospectus of Sabadell 12M Garantizado Marzo. We have classified this product at risk level 2 on a scale of 7, where 2 means low risk. This assessment rates the possibility of suffering a loss in future returns as low and the likelihood of a bad market situation influencing our ability to pay you as very unlikely.
The use of complex products, such as derivatives, can lead to increased turnover of portfolio securities.
The synthetic risk indicator is a guide to the level of risk of this product compared to other products. It shows how likely it is that the product will lose money due to market developments because we are unable to pay you.
Sabadell 12M Garantizado Marzo (ISIN Code: FR001400UFB4), managed by Amundi Asset Management, is a French Investment Fund or FCP, by its French acronym "Fond Commun de Placement", registered and supervised by the AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financiers, French regulator) and registered with the CNMV under number 2295 for marketing in Spain. A summary of the information on investors' rights and collective redress mechanisms is available in English at: The Management Company may cease marketing the Fund in any EU member state in which it has given notice to market the Fund.
The Fund's estimated performance does not protect investors from the effect of inflation over the life of the Fund until maturity so that the actual performance (i.e. discounting for inflation) could be lower or even negative.
For a more detailed description of the Fund's features and investment policy, the minimum initial investment, the recommended investment period, information on costs, charges and other expenses and, in particular, the risks associated with the Fund, we recommend reading the prospectus and the Key Information Document, available at
This Fund is a non-complex MiFID product.
The Guarantor is Amundi, S.A. The Management Company is Amundi Asset Management, Société par Actions Simplifiée, Société de Gestion de Portfolios authorised by the AMF under no. GP 04000036. Registered office: 91-93, Boulevard Pasteur - 75015 Paris. The Custodian is CACEIS Bank, Société Anonyme. Registered office: 89-91 rue Gabriel Péri - 92120 Montrouge.