Multi-Asset Investment Funds invest in different asset classes, such as bonds, equities and commodities. The portfolios of these Funds are dynamically managed, adapting to the market situation at any given time, giving investors diversified access to the best investment opportunities in the international financial markets.
Amundi has a large team of professionals, located in different parts of the world, dedicated to multi-asset management.
"Profiled" Funds invest in other specialised Investment Funds, selected through a rigorous qualitative and quantitative analysis.
"InverSabadell" Funds invest directly in international equities and bonds, allowing greater flexibility to adapt the composition of each Fund's portfolio according to the market outlook at any given time.
The offering is complemented by a wide range of Amundi multiactive Funds to meet the specific needs of our clients.
Diversification and dynamic asset allocation
Diversification does not guarantee profitability or protection against losses.
Highlighted Funds
ISIN code: ES0111187003
ISIN code: ES0174391039
ISIN code: ES0182544009